User Persona

Create an Impactful User persona in 10 easy steps

User/ Buyer Persona

A User Persona can be portrayed as a fictional character created to represent a particular segment of a website or a product/ service designed for your target audience.

“Using marketing personas made websites 2-5 times more effective and easier to use by targeted users”. HubSpot

“93% of companies who exceed lead and revenue goals segment their database by buyer persona”. MarketingInsiderGroup

In today’s hyper active digital generation, you can find unlimited Data on almost everything under the sun.

Data itself is not enough unless its relevant to the subject in conversation. Relevant data in perfect harmony with what you want to say, Matters

As a marketer your job is to understand where your audience/customer/ buyer is at that point and pave the way for it to reach the ultimate destination i.e. Conversion/Sales etc.

In other words, Take your customers from their Current State to their Desired State.

How do you do it, u may ask…


Make User Personas

Its based on In Depth Research and Pertinent Data about Real World User Behavior & Actions that helps you in understanding their needs, behaviors, motivations, and goals, just to name a few.

It includes user details such as demographics, behaviors, goals, challenges, typically the general information but sometimes also incorporates personal background information, aimed towards meeting their needs and requirements and also to improve the entire User Experience.

I remember a real story on this topic which accurately represents why the User Persona’s are imperative for any Business (New/Old).

One of my close friends recently quit his job of many years and decided that his path to success is to become an Entrepreneur.

Blessed with a deep knowledge of his industry, was very confident of his success.

Started his business with a huge HULLA HOOP.

As things are, when your friends see success, you stand by them.

So, I asked for a job in a Sr. Marketing position in his company (Jokingly of course).

He smiled and cheekily walked away.

Didn’t hear from him for next few lot months.


Suddenly, got a call from him agitated, where he explained that his business model is sound, production is good but he’s getting absolutely no sales.

His dream is dying.

I said, if you had only hired me, Heh heh.

He was in no mood.


I met him the next day, studied his business model to my extent and realized that he was not marketing his business at all well.

Being a self projecting marketing expert (that’s me), I felt that the first step of this process, Is to understand your customers really well, What was shabbily done.

Your Customers/Audience determine the success of your business. Understanding their needs, requirements, likes, dislikes is your job.

How would you find it.

An easy way among many of course is making a good User Persona.

“Personas are the gateway to understanding customer needs and motivations, enabling us to create meaningful and impactful user experiences.”

– Jared Spool

He found success and the rest as they say is history.

Today, I do consult for him and have a prominent position is his company.

Heh Heh….

Importance of User Personas

Personas works towards visualizing your targeted audience and reminds you that you’re making decisions for people with real needs.

Remember, you write content, not for yourself but for your audience.

So, your audience should be the biggest priority.

A relevant Content that offers value can impact your audience/customers in the most positive way and build an ever lasting relationship of Trust and Authority with them.

To understand the basic and some complex nuisances of writing quality content, Head on to

Now, to the Main Course of the Topic.

10 Best practices to create an Impactful User/Buyer persona

Creating an Impactful User Personas is crucial for designing products or services that meet the needs of your target audience effectively.

Businesses today spend a substantial but very ineluctable amount of revenue into getting User Personas done right

So, It a very Important Exercise that they need to get right.

User Personas ten best practices :

1. Research Research Research Extensively:

Gather data extensively through surveys, interviews, analytics, and market research to understand your focused audience’s demographics, behaviors, needs, and pain points. This is the first step.

2. Segments Focus:

Avoid Generalizing personas. Instead, use your energies to focus on specific user/buyer segments that represent distinct demographics or behaviors relevant to your business or service.

3. Use Real World Data:

Your personas need to be based on real data and insights collected from actual users rather than assumptions or stereotypes. A very important step in data collection. Failure in doing it right will give varied results.

4. Key Information Required:

Each Persona must include essential details such as demographics, job title, goals, challenges, behaviors, preferences, and motivations etc. Data dependent on the business or industry thereof targeted.

5. Precedence on Goals and Pain Points:

Highlight Primary Goals and Pain Points of each persona to understand the motivation in their behavior and decision-making processes.

6. Empathize with your Audience:

Develop personas that evoke empathy among your readers by including anecdotes, quotes, stats or stories that illustrate different user’s experience and emotions. Never question your readers intensions negatively or demand answers. It always has an adverse effect.

7. Personas Visualization :

Use visual aids such as photos, names, references and fictional biographies to make personas more relatable and memorable. We humans desire outside validation to believe in something.

8. Keep it to the point:

While it’s essential to include relevant details, avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information. Keep personas concise and focused on the most critical aspects. Keep it to the point, Ladies and Gentleman.

9. Validate and Iterate:

User Persona

Continuously validate personas through user testing and feedback to ensure their accuracy and relevance. Iterate/Repeat on personas as you gather more insights and data over time.

Data Updates, so should You.

10. Amalgamate with the Design Process:

User Persona

Incorporate your personas into the design process. Attempt to Guide and Control your users decision-making process and ensure that the final outcome perfectly addresses the needs & requirements of the target audience/customers effectively.

By following these best practices, you can create user personas that serve as valuable tools for understanding and designing for your target audience effectively.


Remember these important tips to creating an impactful user/buyer/customer persona

  • Focus on your Target Goals: Personas should reflect what users are trying to accomplish rather than specific demographics alone.
  • Keep it Realistic, Relevant and Simple: While personas are fictional representations, they should be based on real data to ensure relevance.
  • Update Regularly: As a user behavior and needs evolve, revisit and update the personas and keep them updated.


To conclude, by following these steps, you can create detailed user personas that can help you or your team to better understand and cater to your target audience effectively.

A well targeted user persona is not just a way to successfully cater to your audience/customers but also a focused parameter in finding a new rich source for future endeavors.

No wonder, it is considered as the first and probably the most important step in building faithful evangelists for your Brand, Product or a Service.

What do you think….

Let me know with your feedback on its impact and importance.

1 thought on “Create an Impactful User persona in 10 easy steps”

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