Keyword Research, The Key Authority In SEO

Keyword Research, The Key Authority In SEO

Keyword Research is the essence of a good SEO campaign.

Its said that 50% of SEO is Keyword Research.

75.5% of marketers, on average, use keyword research when producing content for customers and companies. (Source: Codeless)

Approximately 8% of searches are question-based. (Source: Moz)

Where and how u place these important words determines the affectability of your content, giving it the power to rank higher on search engines.

Every thing starts with a ‘Search’.

Go to a store to buy a t-shirt, the shopkeeper shows you a bunch of it.

U Search….

Traditional or Digital, as said before..


Search creates knowledge, Knowledge creates Awareness. So anyone that controls the word hunt controls the customer journey from Awareness to becoming an Evangelist.

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They say ‘Content is King

Rightly so..

A quality content that provides knowledge, solves its readers issues or gives an inspiration to start something new is considered valuable.

Use of relevant keywords is the path to achieving it.

These words or phrases used accurately gives your content the breadth & width it needs to make it pertinent.


What is Keyword Research?

What is Keyword Research

To understand it well, lets break it down in two halves.

Keywords – They are the words or phrases anyone uses to find relevant information on the search engine.

Lets say you are using Google as your primary Search Engine.

I’ll add, Google is the largest search engine in the world, having a dominant share of more than 92% while the others fight over the left over scraps.

Getting back to it

You place you query on Google and press search.

A new page with multiple website links appears. It is called Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

These relevant results on SERP are the effect of your search query.

Research – As an SEO professional it is very important to understand what the reader/user is searching for and provide necessary solutions to it.

Understand SEO in Details, head to

Content, Blog or Article writing is the best way to use the user searched keywords efficiently, making the write up relevant and therefore rank high on search engines. A High Ranked Webpage considering its Authority and Relevancy is shown at top of SERP.

Only by doing a focused research can you achieve relevancy in your content making it a solution to the users search query.

Types of Keywords Research

Types of Keywords Research

Keyword Research being a principality topic in SEO cannot be limitly sheltered.

There are multiple types of it.

Short Tail Keywords

They are Popular, Generic, Broad terms that have High Search Volume and equally a large amount of competition to rank.

Also called Head terms, have a wide search scope.

Examples : Smartphones, Pizza, Travel etc.

They’re unable to answer in detail the fundamental questions of What, Where, How, When, Why.

Medium Tail Keywords

It is as the name suggests the middle sister/brother of the family.

Moderate Search Volume, Moderate Competiveness & ofcourse a Moderate conversion rate.

They’re generally 2-3 words long and probably are least used in research.

Long Tail Keywords

Considered the Daddy of the research or most commonly used.

They offer the best understanding of the buyers/readers/users intent.

Keywords with 4 or more words are considered Long Tail.

Example – Smartphones under Rs. 400000 with gorilla glass victus protection.

It shows exactly what the buyer wants. The whole point of a successful marketing campaign is to understand customers and provide solutions but unless the customer themselves don’t offer queries/problems, the process never starts.

Long Tail Keywords gives the correct interpretation of what the buyers want and generally have Low Competition, hence considered the most relevant.

Why is Keyword Research Important

Why is Keyword Research Important

It helps you to find the relevant words/phrase quarries which the users are searching for.

Very important to know what the users are searching for as it helps you to build a content strategy.

Where and how relevantly you utilize these researched keywords will determine where your content ranks on search engines

The Better the Content, Higher the Rank

Keyword Research is the way to achieving it.

How to do Keyword Research

The best Code to crack a successful Online Research Campaign is to look for Low Competition Keywords with Enough Search Volume.

As a professional you are expected to find Low hanging, easily accessible fruits.

In other words, find those pocket of spaces in your niche that not many can find or know of and build quality content around it.

Excellent Tools for Keyword Research

Over the years many good tools have come up that help you find those low hanging fruits and every professional has their own preference.

Here are the some very popular:

Googles own Keyword Planner and Trends

Very popular and free to use. Offers a variety of words to choose from.

If you are using Google as a search engine, it is advised to use it as your main or a subordinate tool.


Probably considered among the most used tools. Very Helpful with a variety of other options to utilize as an SEO Professional.

The User Interface is simple and easy to understand and gives you accurate results.

Has a free tool (Keyword Generator) as well as a paid one. Ofcourse the paid version is leaps and bounds ahead of the free tool but no worries the organic version too gets it done, at least for new websites.

Answer Socrates

Tries to uncover & answer multiple questions users/ people ask on the Googles Search Engine.

Works towards gaining a deeper insight on topics helping SEO professionals, researchers, writers communicate detailed and relevant Article/Blog.

It is an interesting platform to find good keywords and the user interface is also easy to understand.


It is a very popular platform where visitors ask questions and answers received by other visitors.

As an seo professional the only way your content becomes a solution for others is by knowing the questions that people ask.

Valuable insights on what people want to know can be found on the social question & answer platform, i.e.. Quora.


Another very popular search tool used to find quality keywords.

Users say, that it has the best, accurate and very easy to understand UI among other tools.

Offers a rich amount of information through its wide database that allows you to create a highly efficient SEO strategy.


There are a few other very interesting tools to use like MOZ, SpyFu, KWFinder, Answer the Public, Word stream, Ubersuggest….

The list goes on.

Choose whichever you like & start your Keyword Research Campaign.


Keyword Research Conclusion

Every high ranked content/ webpage requires a quality & relevant keyword research plan.

It can be a bit tedious but requires a definite precision and cannot be done in a short cut.

Websites need to have authority to be visible to its readers/users.

Only through proper keyword research can you find and analyze search terms that people are looking for.

It is the first step and considered The Key Authority is SEO.

2 thoughts on “Keyword Research, The Key Authority In SEO”

  1. Pingback: SEO Basics, Modules 4 ranking success

  2. Pingback: Content 7 steps,Unlock the true Potential of Your Write Ups.

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