SEO Basics, 7 modules to ranking success

SEO Basics, Modules 4 ranking success

SEO Basics, “Everything Starts With A Search..”

Traditional or Digital, Search is the first route to finding what you want.

You go to a market to buy a T-shirt,


Search creates Knowledge, Knowledge creates Awareness. A customers journey starts with awareness and finishes with becoming a true Evangelist.

Anyone who controls search, gives direction to the entire customer journey.

SEO has the power to be that first influence of any customer in their voyage of realization to achievement.

Did You Know…..

  • Near 68 to 70% of any online experience begins with the search engine.
  • Organic Search contributes to at least 54% of all website traffic. (BrightEdge)
  • Google Search, Images, Maps contribute to more than 93% of the global traffic.
  • SEO drives 1,000%+ more traffic than organic social media. (BrightEdge)

Just to name a few …

What is SEO Basics

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines Wikipedia.

SEO gives Free or Organic results to the search queries of the user.

Increases Visibility & Awareness of Brands, Products & Services.

Why Learn SEO

SEO works to optimize your site and helps it rank higher on Search Engines.

It is especially important for new websites.

A well optimized website very easily stands out among others in its niche.

Benefits of SEO

Among many, here are just a few..

  • Works to generate traffic
  • Improves credibility of the website
  • Optimizes site to improve its usability
  • Builds relations with other websites
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Increases Brand awareness & visibility.
  • Increases customer reach

How to Learn SEO

SEO is not hard to learn but takes time & patience to be good at it. You rank a site high on search engines by understanding the User Signals.

SEO Basics, Modules 4 Ranking Success

Peter Drucker a well renowned Marketing Guru rightly explained that marketing is all about understanding your customer.

As per various sources, the Growth rate for the SEO industry is estimated at nearly 240 Billion by the year 2030.

According to TOI, The SEO industry will offer more than 1.5 lakh jobs to freshers and experienced professionals in the next 2 years. Thus showing a lot of interest and growth for the profession of Optimizing & Ranking Websites.

Best way to Learn SEO

SEO is not a Knowledge but an Execution problem. The more you practice, the better you get. 

Many get confused how to pursue it.

Are you among them as well…

Let me try and simplify it for you.

  • Join a course which offers to teach Practically. You cannot sit and learn how to optimize and rank websites. Need to be Hands on with it.
  • Read multiple Blogs on different niche, Reviews and Query feedbacks on top Forum sites, Article submission sites. Expand your Horizon.
  • Buy a Domain & a Hosting and build yourself a website. Make your own Digital Brand.
  • Understand then practice major concepts like Keyword Research, On Page Optimization , Off Page Optimization, Google Analytics, Technical & Local Optimization SEO Basics.
  • Be patient, give yourself time, Things will happen.
  • Start your Journey.

Modules 4 Ranking Success

Every website wants to Rank on the top of the Search Engine Rankings (SERP). Be the first & the highest visibility in its niche.

Industry Professionals and Experts use multiple techniques to achieve the optimal for its clients.

Even though Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing & a few others do not inform of their ranking factors but over the years professionals have figured out some…

Here are the major tools to Rank higher

1. Key Word Research

Probably the most important module in Ranking space. Deem it as its Heart.

It is the 1st demand & 50% of your entire Optimization effort. Quality and Relevant Keyword Research will give your content the substance and a route to reach its readers.

Tools like Google’s own Keyword Planner & Trends, AHREFS, SEMrush, Ask Socrates etc. are a few very popular among the professionals.

Choose the one you are comfortable, play around with it and start your research…

To know more about Keyword Research head to

2. On Page Optimization

It is everything that you (as the admin) can control on the website.

Make changes as per the user demands and rank higher.

You can make changes on the following

  • Meta Titles or Title
  • Meta Description
  • Headings (H1, H2…H6)
  • URL
  • Images
  • Content

Explore the topic here

3. Off Page Optimization

It is everything that you cannot control on your website.

An Incoming Hyperlink from one website to Another.

Unlike On page Optimization, it requires other websites to pass their valuable link on to yours to give it credibility.

In short, other websites in your niche endorse yours by giving your website a Backlink.

Backlinks are still considered the highest authority in the ranking space.

Authoritative and High ranked Backlinks give your website the reputation and makes it a stand out in its niche.

Google looks at backlink quality as a major ranking factor.

Understand this topic better here

4. Technical SEO

It makes your site more crawlable, more indexable, increases the speed & authority of the website, making it more accessible and user friendly.

Elements Of Technical SEO

Site Architecture

Robot TXT

Google Search Console Inspect



Mobile Optimization

Field Data is a very important metrics in Technical SEO.

To Know more check this out

5. Local SEO

It is about giving an online presence to your offline business. Very useful for the Brick & Motor Business, where customers are required to walk in.

Two main components of the Local Optimization

  • It has a Location Component like In India, In Maharashtra, In Mum or most commonly used “Near me“.
  • Like Organic results where website are ranked on SERP, here it is listed on a Map Pack. To rank higher on Map Pack, listings need to have NAP.

NAP stands for Name , Address , Phone Number of the business.

6. Video SEO

Video SEO is about optimizing the video content to rank higher on Search Engines or Video Platforms.

You Tube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.

It is said that an article/blog with a video content has five times better chance getting ranked higher and receives more views than a conventional article.

You Tube as a platform for video content is the 2nd most preferred source for the age group of 18-35 years in India.

7. Google Analytics

It refers to an accurate analysis of Data or Statistics giving the website the necessary information to take relevant decisions on how to improve its functioning.

Analytics is widely applied across various fields, including business, marketing, finance, healthcare, sports, and more.

In short, the primary goal of analytics is to make data-driven decisions that improves efficiency, performance, and outcomes of a new or an established website.

The latest version of Analytics used widely for accurate analysis & decision making is the GA4.

Know more about GA4, check out

8. Content

Writing on it the last but probably the most important of them all.

It is the face of all your efforts.

Quality, Relevant & a well written content gives its users/readers the information they want/need.

Hence it is said,

Drumroll in your mind, please..


Dive deep into this topic


Search Engine Optimization aims at improving the quality & quantity of website traffic by increasing its visibility and awareness.

Its an important source for both, a new business and an existing business.

Always employ the User First Approach, meaning, think in terms of the user/customer.

Modules if followed, increases the websites potential to rank higher on search engines.

SEO is a journey, not a destination.” – Danny Sullivan

So follow the journey & give your business the destination it deserves.

SEO Basics, modules for ranking success is a way to achieving it.

6 thoughts on “SEO Basics, Modules 4 ranking success”

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