The New Google Analytics 4(GA4), Steps to link your website.


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, a service that provides detailed statistics and insights about website and app traffic.

It represents a significant shift from the previous version, Universal Analytics (UA), introducing several key features and changes designed to enhance data collection, analysis, and reporting.

It represents a significant evolution in the way digital analytics is approached, aligning more closely with current trends in user behavior, data privacy, and cross-platform usage.

By adopting this version, businesses can gain deeper insights, improve their marketing strategies, and comply better with various privacy regulations.

In short, It is not just an upgrade but a fundamental shift in digital analytics, offering a future-proof solution to understand and optimize user interactions across all digital touchpoints.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a web analytics tool that helps you understand how people use your website or app. It can track every click, scroll, purchase, and other actions across various platforms and devices


GA4 Features:


Analytics as a tool is an absolute gift, giving detailed and accurate information about user behavior, demographics, Likes- Dislikes etc. Helping websites take informed decisions & make necessary improvements.

GA4 is a more advanced platform and as its previous version…

Completely free.

Note: Analytics as a Tool is valuable for all Digital Marketing activities but essential for Search (SEO, SEM) & Content Modules.

To Understand SEO Better ,Check this Out

To Understand Content Better ,Check this Out


Following are some important features.

Event-Based Tracking:

Focuses on an Event-based data model, which means that everything is tracked as an event. This provides more flexibility and detailed insights into user interactions compared to the session-based model used in Universal Analytics.

Cross-Platform Tracking:

It is intelligently designed to track user journeys across multiple platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and other digital environments.

This helps in providing a more holistic view and a detailed mapping of a users behavior.

Enhanced Privacy and Compliance:

It helps businesses comply with data privacy regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA). This includes more granular data controls and better management of user data retention.

AI & Machine Learning Insights:

Probably among the most important learning tools of todays fast paced digital world .

Leverages Google’s machine learning models to provide predictive metrics and insights. This includes churn probability, potential revenue, and other valuable forecasts to help businesses make data-driven decisions.

Simple and Improved Reporting:

The reporting interface is redesigned to be more intuitive, flexible and customizable. Users can create detailed and specific reports based on their needs without requiring complex configurations.

Integrate with Google Ads:

Offers seamless integration with widely used Google Ads also known as the worlds most popular online Ads Platform, enabling more effective tracking of advertising performance and better attribution of ad spend.

Data Schema Flexibility :

The event-based structure allows businesses to track a wide range of user interactions without being confined to predefined categories. Custom events can be set up to match specific business needs.

Focused User-Centric Measurements:

Places greater emphasis on understanding individual user journeys and behavior rather than just aggregate data, offering insights into user engagement and retention.

Differences from Universal Analytics(UA):

GA4 vs UA

Measurement Model:

UA uses a Session-based model, while GA4 uses an Event-based model.

Reporting Interface:

The interface and reporting tool metrics are different from UA, with a focus on flexibility and user customization.

Data Collection:

Collects data from both websites and apps in a unified property, whereas UA typically requires separate properties for web and app data.

User Privacy:

Includes enhanced privacy features to help with regulatory compliance, such as more options for data anonymization and retention controls.

Predictive Capabilities:

Leverages machine learning for predictive analytics, which is more advanced compared to UA.

Link your Website to GA4


Linking your website is compulsory and has to be done in a timeframe. The process itself is not complicated but has a few steps to follow.

Here is your step by step guide to achieve success in this process:

Step 1: Create a GA4 Property:

Sign in to Google Analytics: Sign in with your Google account & Create a New Property:

In the Admin panel, under the Account column, select the account you want to add the property to (or create a new account).

Under the Property column, click on Create Property.

Select Analytics4 Setup Assistant if you’re upgrading from Universal Analytics, or choose GA4 Property if you’re starting fresh.

Follow the prompts to set up your Property, also remember to include a property name, time zone, and currency.

Step 2: Set Up a Data Stream:

After creating your Analytics4 property, you will be prompted to Add a data stream. Choose Web.

Enter your website URL and name the stream.

Click Create Stream.

Step 3: Get the Tracking Code:

After creating the data stream accurately, you will see the Measurement ID (starts with G-).

Click on View Tag Instructions to get the tracking code.

Copy the Tracking Code:

Copy this Global site tag (gtag.js) provided in the instructions.

Step 4: Add the Tracking Code to Your Website:

Paste the global site tag into the <head> section of each page you want to track.

The code snippet will look something like this:htmlCopy code<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX'); </script>

Replace G-XXXXXXXXXX with your actual Measurement ID.

Step 5: Verify the Setup:

After adding the tracking code to your website, go back to your property.

Navigate to Reports > Realtime.

Open your website in a new browser tab and interact with it. You should see your activity report reflected is in the Real-Time.

Additional Setup (Optional)

Google Tag Manager:

If you’re using Google Tag Manager (GTM), you can set it up through GTM instead of adding the code directly to your website.

In GTM, create a new tag, choose Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration, and enter your Measurement ID. Set the trigger to fire on all pages.

Enhanced Measurement:

In the data stream settings, you can enable Enhanced Measurement to automatically track additional events like page views, scrolls, outbound clicks, site search, video engagement, and file downloads.



An absolutely free but a very powerful medium of data derivation giving relevant and accurate information.

Launched in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin has become the most widely used web analytics service on the web.

GA4 is the 4th iteration of this universally accepted platform.

Following these steps discussed above will successfully link your website, allowing you to track, analyze and report visitors behavior effectively.

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